Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The fall of the empire of the men or the lost illusions

Anna Seagull, 

The Fall of House of Usher? What there! Edgar was so naive. The Fall of the house of the men or the fall men's impire! This is what really happens. For today, the destruction of the male empire has become irreversible. There comes retribution for the eternal dominion of a man over a woman. This is extremely unpleasant for men, but it's true.

What is the reason for the destruction of the male empire? What are the irrefutable proofs of the decline of male domination in all spheres of society?

The reason for the decline of the empire of men is globalization and a change in the nature of the modern economy (plus the usual greed, of course).

Women's equality was only one way for businesses to get extra hands. Priority in this case was to remain with a men as individuals able to perform heavy physical work. But the result was unforeseen. Women's equality is ideally transformed into female domination on the basis of the digital economy and knowledge economy. 

In the new economic conditions, the natural advantage of a man over a woman in the form of physical strength disappeared altogether as an unnecessary vestige. Hence the victorious procession of gender equality on the planet Earth.

The decline of male domination affected all spheres of society from the economy through culture to the law.

Evidence of the decline of the male empire is as follows:
- commercial companies entirely consisting of women, guaranteed quota of state orders for such companies; a quota of senior positions for women in government;
- financial flows aimed at all kinds of grants for women only or for research to some extent ensuring women's dominance in society;
- cultural changes in the public consciousness caused by a conscious policy aimed at enhancing and consolidating the social status of women.

In addition, in the movie the main character of the film is most often a woman, the woman first invites a man to a date, a woman in bed is always on top. 

In law, this is a wave of lawsuits about sexual harassment as evidence of women's struggle for their dignity. This includes the use of "She" instead of "He", the female urinals or the ban of male urinals in some countries, etc.

Changes in views on the relationship between the sexes can be illustrated as follows. In 1937, Somerset Maugham in the novel The Theater (chapter 23) found it possible to write such lines: "The Commandant, a sturdy little man with a much-wrinkled face, white hair cut en brosse and an imposing moustache dyed a deep black, was very gallant Julia's foot under the table during dinner. On the way out he seized the opportunity to pinch her bottom.” 

This “the opportunity to pinch her bottom” seemed possible in 1937, but in 2017 to pinch her bottom was already unacceptable and transformed into the Taylor Swift's groping trial.

 The female #stopgroping movement is the final answer of that conservative part of the male, who is still in captivity of the illusions of the original male domination. 

#stopgroping opens a new page in the relationship between women and men and on this page there is no room for male illusions.

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